  Public Ticket #3678118
Josh Levinson


  • Krista started the conversation

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    Josh's Journey, Passion, and Charm City Plans

    Josh shared his journey from initially viewing himself as a banker to an entrepreneur, driven by his passion and desire to inspire others. He encouraged young people to find their passions and to embrace various work experiences as opportunities for learning and self-discovery. Krista appreciated Josh's insights and highlighted the importance of failure in guiding personal growth. She then asked Josh about his plans and dreams for Charm City in five years, to which he responded that he prefers to focus on the present while also exhibiting future-oriented discipline.

    5 Year Plan and Cultural Transition

    5 Year Plan: Josh outlines the company's five-year plan, focusing on maintaining their unique culture as they transition from a family business to a larger operation. He emphasizes the importance of equipping leaders to uphold the culture while implementing necessary structure. Tangibly, the company is investing in remodeling stores to create more comfortable spaces that reflect their community-oriented values, with positive results already seen in customer and employee satisfaction.

    Josh's Leadership Journey and Team Building Strategies

    Krista asked Josh about his biggest learnings in leadership and his understanding of himself in this role. Josh shared his focus on authenticity, fairness, and empathy, and emphasized the importance of maintaining passion for the company's mission, even when performing less exciting tasks. He also highlighted the value of trusting his team, noting his ease in identifying and retaining talented individuals who share his passion for Charm City Iran. Finally, he stressed the importance of both change and stability in cultivating a strong team.

    Specialty Industry Challenges and Opportunities

    Krista and Josh discussed the challenges and opportunities in the running and walking specialty industry. Josh explained that the industry, which consists of around 1,000 brick and mortar stores across the US, has been struggling due to the shift towards online shopping and the perception that price is the most important factor. However, he noted that customers still value the in-store experience and want to shop at specialty retailers. He further emphasized the importance of having well-trained and motivated employees and offering a unique product selection. Krista shared her positive experience of being fitted for shoes at one of Josh's stores, highlighting the value of personal attention and expertise that the industry can offer.

    Business Advice and Leadership Insights

    Josh advised Krista that if she were to start a business again, she should raise more capital initially and be less risk-averse, particularly when it comes to investing in physical locations. Krista appreciated this advice and agreed that it's wise to delay launching until sufficient funding is secured. Josh also recommended the books of Walter Isaacson, especially his biographies of Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, for insights into leadership and entrepreneurship. They both shared their admiration for history and its lessons for leadership, with Krista referencing Doris Kearns Goodwin's book on presidential leadership.

    Attractive Workplace Focus and Expansion Plans

    Josh and Krista discussed the company's focus on creating an attractive workplace, emphasizing the importance of benefits, community involvement, and motivating employees. Josh highlighted the company's website, CharmCityRun.com, as a resource for upcoming events and training programs.

    My favorite phrase he used:

    "Get in the Game"