I have set up the corresponding automation for the event so you may begin to share the web link amongst your network. Following on from my email, it would be great to have a bit more in terms of the description so people know what to expect on the day.
I will be working on the new event message tomorrow for you in line with our retouch strategy to those that were initially contacted in September–we can discuss this further on our call next week.
When was the last time you asked yourself where you were heading?......Do you want MORE.......more TIME, more MONEY and to build a better TEAM.
Join ActionCOACH Tom O'Kelly for an interactive Seminar on May 7th at 09.30am tp 11.30am. Bring an open mind!
Hi Tom,
Please see the page here: https://actioncoach.ie/product/how-to-arrive-at-your-destination/
Hi Tom,
I have set up the corresponding automation for the event so you may begin to share the web link amongst your network. Following on from my email, it would be great to have a bit more in terms of the description so people know what to expect on the day.
I will be working on the new event message tomorrow for you in line with our retouch strategy to those that were initially contacted in September–we can discuss this further on our call next week.
Have a good weekend!